Wide range of advanced satellite modems and terminals
Broadband Connectivity
AYECKA's high speed satellite link solutions serve a range of broadband connectivity applications, as well as cellular backhauling, turnaround services and many more via company’s integrated hardware packet accelerator enabling bandwidth as high as 220 Mbps or 760 Mbps, depending on specific product family.
AYECKA's Satcom products are at the cutting edge of technology and suited for many applications:
• Data Casting - SR-1 family
• Video transmission – ST-1
• Video and data monitoring - TC-1 family, SR family
• Broadband applications – SM-1 family
Data Casting
Flexible solution for data and live content delivery
Data Casting over satellite is well known as a cost-efficient reliable solution. AYECKA offers flexible solution for data and live content delivery to a large number of end points. Our solution operates over multicast or Hybrid IP network. Our SR1 receivers are featured with DVB-S2 technology providing high speed throughput and increased reliability. The data casting solution is suitable for applications such as file distribution, digital signage, digital cinemas and similar applications requiring efficient use of the satellite channel at an affordable cost. AYECKA's SR1 (IP over DVB-S2 receiver) is approved by Eumetcast and NOAAPORT
Video Transmission Applications
High Satellite Receiver Density
AYECKA's video transmission solutions enable OTT (Over-The-Top) network operators to simultaneously perform legacy set-top box TV broadcasting and file-based (HTTP live streaming or MPEG-DASH) video distribution, with support for high satellite receiver density and satellite TV-to-file stream conversion.
Related products – ST-1 PRO
Video & Data Monitoring
Various Monitoring Solutions for Satellite video transmitted Channels.
AYECKA offers a range of solutions for monitoring of video channels transmitted over satellite links –via advanced demodulators and video monitoring software – as well as of video service MPEG stream data –with deep ETSI TR 101-290-compliant analysis of IP-over-MPE/GSE and other encapsulation formats overDVB-S2/X.
Related products – TC-1 Stream, TC-1 PRO, TC-1 PROX.
Broadband applications
AYECKA's high speed satellite link solutions serve a range of broadband connectivity applications, as well as cellular backhauling, turnaround services and many more via company’s integrated hardware packet accelerator enabling bandwidth as high as 220 Mbps or 760 Mbps, depending on specific product family.
Related products – SM-1 DVB S2, SM-1 PROX